Meteor Data Request

Use this form to submit a request for meteor data. You can query by range, using the beginning and ending dates, or you can look for a single event. Times are assumed to be U.S. Mountain Time.

If you want to look for events between two times, enter them in the two boxes. If you want to look for a specific event, enter its approximate time in the first box, and the number of minutes of uncertainty in the second box.

You can also set several filters:

  • In the Camera dropdown, you can limit the output to any one camera.
  • In the Same Event Range box, enter the time range to check for coincident events on different cameras. The reason for this is that our allsky cameras sometimes have a small time error. During periods when they operate unattended, the clock in the PC can drift. In most cases the drift will never exceed two minutes before it is corrected. Any events occuring within a couple of minutes of each other on different cameras should be considered as possibly the same.
  • If Ignore Year is checked, the entire database will be searched for events that occur between the entered dates regardless of year. This is useful for detecting fireball patterns or for analyzing annual showers.
  • If Show Deleted is checked, events that have been removed from the database will be shown.

If you witnessed a fireball (whether reported here or not), please read this and then file a report.

Event Dates (default is the past week)

Beginning date Ending date
Enter the earliest date to check for meteors. Enter the latest date to check for meteors.


Camera Same event range Options
Select data from all the cameras, or just one. Enter the time range (in seconds) to flag two or more events as possibly coincident.
